When we think of packing a lunch and heading out the door, it isn’t often that we are conscious of how healthy our little one’s lunch is for their teeth.  It is important to consider foods that are not only beneficial for overall health, but also a great option for dental health in protecting teeth against cavities.

Foods that are GOOD for teeth include:

Cheese: Not only is cheese delicious, but it contains calcium and protein, which are nutrients that strengthen tooth enamel.  Cheese also raises the pH in our mouth, lowering cavity risk.

Yogurt: Like cheese, yogurt is high in calcium and protein that are beneficial in strengthening teeth. But be careful! When choosing yogurt, be mindful of hidden added or artificial sugars.

Crunchy fruits and vegetables: “An apple a day, keeps the dentist away!” Increased salivary production automatically decreases our cavity risk due to positive ions present in our saliva.  Eating crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, pears, celery and carrots involve plenty of chewing, which produces saliva in the mouth, contributing to the reduction of potential cavity causing bacteria.

Nuts: Nuts are full of healthy fats and low in carbohydrates, thus lowering risk for tooth decay. But nuts can also be a great source of calcium and phosphorus, which help fight harmful bacteria.

Water: Although not a food, water is the BEST beverage choice for the teeth.  Not only does water not contain sugar, but water contains a neutral pH that keeps the enamel strong.

Foods that are BAD for teeth include:

Fruit Snacks: Gummy treats such as fruits snacks, gummy bears, Skittles, Starburst, etc. are high in sugar AND acidity.  These sugary treats are sticky and hide in the nooks and crannies of teeth, making it hard for the saliva to rinse away.  Not only does the sugar contribute to cavities, but the acidity in the foods contribute to the weakening of the enamel, making the teeth more susceptible to a cavity over time.  Not only does the sugar contribute to cavities, but the acidity in the foods contribute to the weakening of the enamel, making the teeth more susceptible to a cavity over time.

Starchy snacks: Often times it is easy to throw a bag of chips, Goldfish, or even dry cereal into the lunchbox for an easy snack.  Be mindful of snacks filled with starches or carbohydrates that stuck in the teeth and cause tooth decay.  If these snacks are going to be consumed, it’s important to brush after.

Juices, Sports Drinks, and Sodas: While these beverages seem like a tastier option, they are full of unwanted sugars that contribute to breakdown of tooth enamel.  If you are choosing a lower caloric or sugar beverage, you must be mindful of the added hidden ingredients.  Often times we think we are making a better choice for less sugar or calories, but the beverage is high in acidity.  Added ingredients such as citric acid or ascorbic acid, can contribute to erosion of the enamel.  These beverage choices high in acidity include flavored waters and sugar free sports drinks.